Emily Macrogliese

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I am a Certified Grief Recovery Method Coach. My journey into this work began with my own personal experiences of loss, where I found myself feeling stuck and overwhelmed by grief. Like many, I believed that time and “being strong” would heal the pain, but I learned that healing required something more—action.

When I discovered the Grief Recovery Method, it was a life-changing experience. The steps were practical, action-oriented, and gave me a sense of control in navigating my emotions. As I moved through the process, I realized that grief isn’t something to “get over,” but something we grow through. This realization has brought me greater fulfillment, allowing me to live with more peace and purpose.

Inspired by my own healing, I became certified to help others move through their grief, whether it's the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or other significant life changes. I believe that, with the right tools, you can transform the pain of loss into personal growth and greater emotional freedom.

I am also certified through the Co-Active Training Institute and have coached individuals from all walks of life, who dream of something better, different, or more for themselves.

If you are struggling with grief, or simply wanting to make a change in your life, reach out to me. We can walk this path together.